A ação, em parceria com a Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel), aconteceu para combater o uso ilegal de radiocomunicadores instalados nos veículos.
Os condutores foram abordados no km 250 da rodovia.
Segundo a polícia, os equipamentos apreendidos foram recolhidos pela Anatel.
Ainda de acordo com a PRF, os equipamentos eram usados para acompanhar o trabalho da polícia via rádio, de forma ilegal. De acordo com o inspetor Lyra, da PRF.
About 70 truck drivers were arrested in an operation conducted by the Federal Highway Police (PRF) in the BR-101, Sierra, county metropolitan area of the Holy Spirit.
The action, in partnership with the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), came to fight illegal use of radios installed in vehicles.
The drivers were dealt with in 250 km of highway.
Police said the seized equipment was collected by the FCC.
The suspects will respond to the Agency in administrative proceedings, and criminal proceedings in the Federal Police.
Still according to the PRF, the equipment was used to monitor police work via radio illegally. According to the inspector Lyra, the PRF.
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